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The Bible says we live in God's Garden.

The Bible also says.. God wants people to help manage the Garden.

How are we doing so far, in managing the world like God's Garden? How well are we managing the environment, for example?

If we score ourselves for how well we're managing the environment, what score would you give humanity?

Out of a possible 10 points, would you give us 5 or 10 points, or possibly a lower score. Maybe we only get 1 or 2 out of 10.

Perhaps we should talk about our environment, and how we should be managing it. We live in a communications age. Let's communicate.

Let's chat and blog and keep communicating with each other, until we understand what God wants us to do with Gods Garden.

* * * *

The question is..

How does one manage the world as a garden paradise? What should we be doing, differently and better?

Feel free to join the conversation about how to manage the world better. There's so much we can talk about.

Do you ever feel inspired to create a better world for everyone? Perhaps you have suggestions. This might be your opportunity to make a difference.

This website is only part of the conversation. There' s lots to do, and lots to learn.

You are invited to join in the fun by participating in Gardenworld.

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What is a Gardenworld Society?

Gardenworld Society is people working together for a Better Future.

There are some challenges, of course. The world has a few problems that must be solved before we can feel like we live in paradise..

Problems like guns and weapons of war, and how to achieve world peace. How to create a more democratic and sharing economy. How to heal a sick environment, etcetera, etcetera.

A list of things we can do, to improve the world, could go on forever. Taking care of children and old people is important. And providing meaningful employment seems to be essential for a better world.

Adding to the list of challenges, our imagined perfect world should also provide Pubic Services, like Child Care, Senior Care, Healthcare, Education and Environmental Management.

When we provide public services to manage society better, the planet feels more like Gardenworld. And a healthy economy is important in Gardenworld too. Life is better when you can retire with a pension.

Looking at the challenges, creating God’s Garden here on earth could keep people busy for a thousand years. But it will be worth the effort.


The first challenge is to reform the electoral system, and elect better leaders. In order to achieve positive change, people who are currently in power have to change, or be changed.

We need better leaders because the most serious problem facing us right now is mismanagement of the world’s resources.

According to the Bible, planet earth is being mismanaged by the kings of the world. When kings run the world, kings ruin the world.

We the people can change our situation.. if we can get organized.

Think of Gardenworld as an organization of Gods International Family. Our family plan is to replace the evil kings of the world with a new kind of government, and leaders who are guided by God, and us.

History teaches that people have lived in God's Garden many times, and the Evil Kings have been with us since the beginning of humanity.

Greedy Kings are still causing problems, with their monopolistic ways. The Royally Rich could destroy the planet, if We the People don't stop them. This problem has happened before in history.

Many times, people have asked God for help, to control the greedy kings, and God sends a Messiah to save the world again and again.

Some spiritual scholars say that God's Messengers, also called Messiahs, have saved the world from royal rulers four or five times in the history of humanity.

The Bible is full of stories of how people rose up against their evil kings. The stories are always the same. The royally rich hog all the money, and society collapses. It happens all the time.

Re-creating God's Garden, here on earth, will not be easy, when the royally rich have all the power and most of the world's money.

The world's current financial empires could possibly bring about the end of the world as we know it, with their never-ending oily wars and monopoly economics. If they start drilling for oil in the Arctic, it's game over for climate change, and goodby world.

Modern leaders like Saudi Arabia’s Royal Family, Assad in Syria, Erdogan in Turkey, General Sissi in Egypt, Russia's Vladimir Putin, and America's Donald Trump, are examples of the kind of leaders who are currently destroying our world, with their warfaring ways and attacks on democracy, their heartless lack of humanity, and their titanic environmental ignorance.

These royal rulers have had their way with the world for a while. Perhaps the time has come for a new kind of world leadership.

It will take time to achieve real change, but the devil kings are doomed. There will come a day when military dictators and royally conservative billionaires, who buy elections, will die and fade from history. It's in the book.

When the kings of the world have finally been pushed off their thrones, and real democracy rules the world once again, life on planet earth will improve. And who knows how far it can go..

Modern problems can be solved, when we work together for the good of all. Everyone is invited to participate in creating a better future.

Where we go from here is anyone's guess, but God has a plan for the world, and it's inspired. The future may be full of Gardenworld Associations. All we have to do is create them.

Our better world starts by creating and organizing Gardenworld communities in cities and towns around the world.

We can start creating Gardenworld today. It might take a revolution to bring about real change, but we have all the time in the world, and God is on our side.

This time around, the Gardenworld Revolution can be different from anything the world has seen before.

We can start by planting a tree every year. How's that for a good start to a better future..

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Gardenworld Association * Action Plans

1. Consider the world as God's Garden, and behave accordingly.

2. Organize Gardenworld Associations and Clubs in every community.

3. Host Garden Parties and help manage Gardenworld Projects.

4. Discuss Public Policies with people around you. Feel Free to represent God's Garden in public discussions.

5. Help to create Garden Party political associations. Do Public Advocacy at all levels of government. Lobby City Hall to promote your community's interests.

6. Help organize a Community Commonwealth Council in your area, as a way of campaigning for City Council, and promoting Community Tax Credits.   With Community Income Tax Credits, more tax dollars go to the community, and a smaller share of tax revenues go to the federal government.

7. The healthiest economy is a Balanced Economy, with 50% Private Spending, and 50% Public Services. The private sector contributes to a healthy economy, with Community Banks and a Community Exchange, as a balance for big banks and multinational companies.

8. On a personal level, it's important to take care of ourselves. Eat Healthy, and Never Eat Junk Food. Remember.. Local Food is better. As your diet gets closer to local farms, your food becomes healthier.

9. Avoid Addictions and Exercise Regularly. For a healthy immune system.. Do Yoga, Tai Chi and Classical Stretch, plus other enjoyable forms of exercise. Remember, excess is evil. Moderation is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

10. Live a long and happy life. It is possible. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

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Gardenworld Public Policy Principles

1. It's good to believe.. God Guides Our Yin-Yang World.

2. The Environment is more important than the Economy.

3. Gods Laws and The Laws of Nature are more powerful than religions and governments or economics.

4. Democracy works best when different interest groups take turns in positions of power. Public Policies and Tax Systems should be designed by the public, rather than by a wealthy few.

5. The World needs Wealth Taxes, Estate Taxes and Inheritance Taxes, to solve the problem of excessive concentration of wealth.

Excessive concentration of wealth is a recurring problem in every society. Normally wealth is not a problem, when it exists in a balanced economy, but when a wealthy few individuals monopolize the economy, and gain control of government, politics becomes a battle of the billionaires, and the middle class has no say in how society is governed.

Democracy degenerates when it changes from One Person = One Vote into a system of one dollar equals one vote. This occurs when the economy is out of balance.

To restore balance to the economy, and to society as a whole, progressive tax rates are the solution. Corporate Taxes on billion dollar profits should be increased to 90%, to encourage corporate investment, and discourage excessive profiteering by the wealthy few.

6. Police services should never amount to more than 10% of a community's annual budget, and that sum should include pensions.

7. Military and National Security spending should never amount to more than 10% of a federal government budget, and that sum should include pensions.

8. Excessive police, military and security spending can be reduced to provide funding for Child Care, Seniors' Care, Education, Health Care, Public Pension Plans, and Environmental Management.

9. Leadership of Public Service Positions should be shared equally between men and women. ie. male & female presidents, lord and lady mayors, etc.

10. Partial democracies, which prevent some people from voting, should be reformed and made more democratic. In a total democracy, everyone can vote, including children of all ages.

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Participating in Gardenworld

If you see room for improvement in the way the world is being managed, and if you would like to help create a better world, consider contributing some of your time and talent for the creation of Gardenworld.

If you can appreciate the idea of living in God's Garden, feel free to participate, and contribute any way you like.. on your own, or with other people.

There are many ways to participate in Gardenworld..

1. Gardenworld Society online @ www.gardenworldsociety.com

The Gardenworld website reports on progress and events, and the organization of Garden Parties and community networks. Stay in touch for news updates.

2. Gardenworld Associations

A long term goal, in creating God's Garden here on earth, is the organization of Gardenworld Associations in every community.

It's a big task, but.. Even if it takes a few centuries, we have to start somewhere, to make the world a better place, so we might as well start now.

There's no central service agency for this kind of work, and no big boss to tell us what to do. Everyone can simply feel guided by God, and we'll see what happens in the next fifty or hundred years.

Perhaps with God's Guidance, we can bring people together, and discuss what we would like to do, in our brave new world. We can form a coop. Sell a product. Manage a business. Build affordable housing for senior citizens. All in the name of Gardenworld.

3. Gardenworld Clubs & Garden Parties.

Anyone can organize a Gardenworld Club, and host a Garden Party, to discuss the environment, and the management of planet earth. Make it a pot luck party, and you have a community dinner.

Invite others to join you for an enjoyable evening of friendly discussion, and maybe some pot luck dinner.. Perhaps God will join your party, as a special guest.

At your Garden Party, you can host a chorus of voices, on behalf of Mother Earth. Talk about environmental management, and what the planet needs in order to survive - less climate change, less global warming, fewer forest fires, more ozone layers, cleaner rivers, more forests, more gardens, more trees, more animals and plants.

Recruit friends to Plant a Tree Every Year for Mother Earth. That might make for some interesting conversations.

4. Community Co-ops can be useful, for organizing activities.

When people agree to work together, they can do great things. It’s even better when activities can be organized as Gardenworld Coops, to provide goods and services for the community, such as Affordable Housing, Farmers' Markets, Food Banks, Community Banks, Community Radio, Community Television, Community Talent Agencies, and a Community Exchange for local business.

Gardenworld Daycare Centers, Seniors Centers, and Local Farmers' Markets are examples of gardenworld community co-op activities.

5. Financial Contributions. As the Bible says, God helps those who help themselves. If we want to live in God's Garden, it might also require working with others, and possible contributions of time, talent, and money.

If there's no money to finance all these proposed activities, Gardenworld will still find ways of achieving goals, even without financial support. God can work miracles. Still, there's no harm in asking. Contributions of time, talent and money are always appreciated in Gardenworld.

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Membership in Gardenworld

Membership in Gardenworld Society is between you and God. You don't have to join anything.

However, if you want to work with other people, especially on Gardenworld projects, that's a bonus.

In other words, you don't have to join anything, to feel like you live in God's Garden.. unless you want to.

In The Garden, with God's Guidance, we're all free to live as we want, whether or not we do it with other people.

Whenever you feel the holy spirit inside your heart, you can follow God's Guidance, just to see where it leads you.

Perhaps you'll enjoy feeling inspired. If you wish to share this experience with others, consider joining a Gardenworld Club.

All you have to do is communicate with other people, about your ideas for managing the world as Gods Garden. The rest is up to you.. or maybe you and God.

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Our journey to God's Garden has to start sometime. When we feel inspired, we can explore Gardenworld, just to see how it feels.

If you feel like exploring more of Gardenworld, occasionally or regularly, you can attend a place of worship, ie. a church, mosque, synagogue, temple, or even a family home with a Society of Friends.

You can celebrate festivals of all religions, wherever you find them. The music will be wonderful, and God might be there with you.

Talk with friends and neighbours, about managing the world as Gods Garden. Ask someone to help you plant a tree for God. It could be an interesting discussion.

As you work with friends and neighbours on Gardenworld Projects, it might feel like God is guiding you. When the ideas flow and good work is done, and you enjoy what you’re doing, you can Thank God, because.. God is on your team.

The list of things people can do to create a better world goes on forever. Even sex is a good thing to do in Gardenworld. Making babies and raising families tops the list of things God wants us to do in life, because God loves children.

Children are already living in God’s Garden. The rest of us are invited to join the party.

Spiritual Community Links

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